Music Stories

Every fortnight I send out a story focused on a particular track I discovered, straight to your inbox.

No payment needed to get in. And if you do find yourself overwhelmed with more stories you can handle for a day, a week, or a month. Its easy to take yourself off the list, let someone else take your spot, and follow via the archive.


Stories can range from music from a show that’s on my masterpiece list (like Rectify), understanding my ‘music why’, a glimpse into one of my playlists, to algorithm wonderings.


The idea started as a result of me going through Deezer’s music selection so Deezer’s algorithm…would eventually make it easier for me to discover tracks. Its a bit of a bumpy ride at the moment and I find myself having to mark tracks a couple of times so they won’t get suggested anymore. Whenever I do get stuck with Deezer I’ll switch back to Spotify.


I’m not going to do it alone though. You’re helping too!
Either an album to check out or a track, send me what you have discovered. I’ll only mention your name (and link to your site) if you have given me your blessing!)!



To find out a bit of the sort of music that might grab my attention…head here.


As much as I would be keen to wave the the FOMO & FOBO flag…and prefer you to connect with me real-time by receiving future entries in your inbox as soon as they are sent out, sometimes that isn’t a good fit. So, in the spirit of helping you keep inbox zero (at least one a month!), I give you the archives. Share it, bookmark it on your mobile device.


(Btw…if you click on the RSS feed and it comes out as gibberish…try it out on Firefox)


Since we are going a bit of the history of the newsletter, here are links (here and here) to two that I posted even before I knew that I was interested in sharing fortnightly music discovery stories.


For companion pieces, you’ll likely find them on Tumblr (posts are written from a fan POV).


Want that list sign-up to return? Just hit reload (or click on my name!). If it still won’t show up…scroll down for an alternate one.


Last Updated: 27 June 2018



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