One of the things that brings me great joy is to be able to enrich my network by introducing two connections!
Yes, all that is required is that you fill in the details:
- What you are looking for?
- What you can help with?
- What are you working on the next couple of months?
Some examples:
- I paint murals for Non-Profits and I’d like to diversify my client base and also start serving individuals.
- I make it easier for founders to find out what should they be focused on this week.
- I inspire Instagram users by sharing motivational quotes.
(Requesting Help)
- I need to find clarity in my work.
- I still don’t know what my calling is!
- What podcasts should I be listening to?
- I’m planning to design a site that helps rate churches. Not like the normal review sites. I’d be focused more on what kind of people the Church can serve, rather than if it’s a good or bad church.
- I’m flying to 100 cities this year to play gigs to venues that hold a maximum of 200 people.
- I’m currently researching on what gaps exist in the podcasting game. John Dumas found one with his 7 day show.
Limit it to the three things you think would make the biggest difference to your brand, then send me an email.
Need a cheat sheet? 🙂
Page Updated: 27 June 2018